
Feature Articles

Penny De Los Santos Profile, Aviva, Spring 2009

Begun as a proposal for National Geographic to identify and document South Texas and Tejano culture, it's called The Tejanos Project, and it is turning into photographer Penny De Los Santos's life work.

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A Permanent Opportunity in Temporary Housing, RTOHQ, April-May 2009

It may be obvious that when opportunity knocks, you answer the door. But if that's the case, why are so many rent-to-own dealers missing out on an opportunity that, on any given day in the U.S., represents 73,000 housing units filled primarily with rented furnishings?

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Rent to Own: Enter, Stage Right, RTOHQ, February-March 2009

Even in the current economic climate, Seattle's Quality Rentals is busy putting some pretty sweet icing on an already substantial rent-to-own cake. Thanks to a successful sideline business in home staging, the company looks forward to additional revenue each month, as well as the satisfaction of expanding the company and rent-to-own beyond the typical consumer.

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Leadership Austin story, GivingCity Austin, Issue 3

Somewhere along the way, "networking" became a vaguely dirty word, conjuring images of exclusive schmooze-fests and powerbroker backslapping. Somewhere along the way, Leadership Austin became associated with this kind of exclusivity, a who's who of Austin to which mere mortals need not apply.

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Working the System, GivingCity Austin, Issue 2

Tiffany Rasco comes across as surprisingly humble for someone wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the Superman "S" shield.

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Click Forensics Cuts the Fraud, Austin Business Journal, December 5-11, 2008

It's never easy to be the messenger of bad news. But it's even harder when the bad news is being delivered to industry titans (think Google and Yahoo) who don't want to hear it, and especially not from some ambitious but unknown newcomer.

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Alan and Richard Topfer Profile, TRIBEZA, December 2008

For eight years, Richard and Alan Topfer have been working hard to spend millions of dollars of their dad's money. So is theirs the story of the prodigal sons, ungrateful wretches bingeing on sports cars and bling? Not a chance.

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En Vogue, TRIBEZA, September 2008

Casual, carefree and comfortable. Historically speaking, these are the traits that have defined Austin's style, lending the city that relaxed, slacker aura for which it is famed.

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Downsizing Diaries, TRIBEZA, July 2008

Admit it. You've wondered how it would be to live in the skyline. To open the door of your high-rise condo and see the mirror of Lady Bird Lake out in the distance, or the constellation of city lights twinkling below.

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How Austin helped me become a geek goddess, Austin American-Statesman, May 20, 2007

In this personal essay, I chronicle the geek-dominated dating scene of Austin, and how I came to embrace my inner nerd.

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Each of these samples earned me a coveted interview slot two years in a row with The Economist's Science and Technology editor. Both years, I was one of approximately 12 interviewees out of about 160 applicants.

Mad corn disease, The Economist, Richard Casement Internship Sample

The central dogma of molecular biology, widely accepted as the foundation for modern genetics, amounts to so much rubbish. Or so asserts Barry Commoner, senior scientist at the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems at Queens College, City University of New York.

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An energy-efficient nose, The Economist, Richard Casement Internship Sample

Visitors to a human evolution exhibit at the museum might not immediately recognize a reconstructed Neandertal as a close relative. Much of this lack of recognition would stem from the species' distinctive facial anatomy, which features a very large, very projecting nose.

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Keep Texas Moving campaign website, KeepTexasMoving.com

I was responsible for generating all the non-updating copy on this website, which was the online presence for an approximately $7 million statewide marketing campaign launched in 2007 by the Texas Department of Transportation.

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NextScreen Labs company website, NextScreenLabs.com

When this brand-new spinoff company needed its own website to establish an identity and inform potential clients about its mission and products, they came to me to generate copy that would get their website up and running, fast. This site is still under construction, but the "About Us" page is representative of my copywriting work for NextScreen Labs.

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Questions about my freelance services and rates? E-mail me at tiffany(at)tiffanyhamburger.com or call at (512) 524-6786


Hi. I'm Tiffany Hamburger. I'm a full-time freelance writer and editor based in Austin, Texas. I've written and edited professionally for a decade on a wide variety of subjects.

Industries and subjects with which I've worked:

Types of documents I've written and/or edited:

In my spare time, I like to (surprise!) read and write, teach fiction, travel as much as I can, make messes in the kitchen and run with my dog, who is also my receptionist.


"Tiffany: you're the best copywriter I've ever worked with, hands-down. Not only that, but I've had many writers do very similar work, and, so you know, the work you did should have taken AT LEAST 10 times as long. Oh, and the quality far exceeds any rational expectation."
— Christian Hunter, CEO, Attention Ventures

"Tiffany Hamburger is quite simply an AMAZING copy editor. After years of marketing a personal care product, only to find that embarrassing typo or grammar error on the final carton or brochure, in spite of reviews by numerous Quality Control people, Tiffany has revolutionized our process! She is prompt, thorough and very easy to work with. Our Product has technical information which she was able to read through and properly edit with incredible accuracy. In the past, we have had numerous "professionals" serving in this capacity for us, but none have come close to the quality and timeliness of Tiffany's work. Thank you!
— Dr. JE Ellington, INGfertility, LLC

"Tiffany is one of the brightest, most careful writers I've worked with. Her attention to detail and commitment to a quality reader experience were standouts at drkoop.com."
— Monica Maldonado Williams, Editor-in-Chief, GivingCity Austin

"Thank you for the great writing you have been doing for our magazine, RTOHQ...Our editor, Neil, has told me he loves your writing also and that you are a real professional and it is a pleasure working with you."
— Bill Keese, Executive Director, APRO

"Speaking as a retired professor, Tiffany is an outstanding teacher. She has great enthusiasm and conveys her love of the written word. I learned so much and found every minute of class fascinating."
— Gail Clinton, professor emeritus